Hi all.
Got orange 34 058 turning on the tri-angle at Wesselsbron after completing the shunting. She then left light loco towards Losdorings.
Next was orange 34 499 coming in backside first. This is a dead give-away that this was the Welgelee and Glen Harmony pick-up. The load was FZ's and timber trucks.
At Regina a FZ was busy being attended to after having run a hotbox. At Makwassie the truckload of fine coal was still standing in the station area, although closer to the silos now. The Western Transvaal mainline does not stop with its interesting sightings. At Boskuil we got orange E 1586 heading North at a leisurely pace. At first it looked like it was just the unit, but then a yellow handrail appeared. This was TransNamib diesel no. 465. This diesel was showing some bad accident damage, with no cow-catchers, heading to Koedoespoort for repairs we suspect. Completely unrelated, about 500m down the line a complete unit cow-catcher was laying alongside the tracks. Something must have happened in the last couple of days since our last visit. At Drie Ruiters a long Northbound load of ore came past behind blue E 10 035, TFR 10E, SAR Maroon 10E and another blue 10E. Friendly hoots from the crew. Then, at Christiana, another Northbound load came past. This time a long train of Lime behind orange E 1570, Orange E 1547 & orange E 1227 Cape Northern. Again a friendly hoot from the crew. Just North of Britten SAR Maroon E 1610 & orange E xxxx came past with a load of LP Gas, Manganese Oxide, Lime, Cement and a couple of runners in the form of FZ mielie trucks and timber wagons. Just South of Bloemhof this train crossed with a Southbound load of ore wagons. This was behind 4x 10E's, leading was SAR Maroon E 10 112, Blue 10E, SAR Maroon 10E & another blue 10 E.
Wesselsbron had 2x Anhydrous Ammonia tankers and a runner standing next to the goods shed.
Got orange 34 031 at Welkom today with the Friedesheim shunt. Got the return working again later in the day?
Kroonstad had three visitors. A brand new Luxrailer inspection trolley, a road / rail truck and a new Catenary maintenance vehicle. These came from Port Elizabeth en-route to Ermelo. 80 Liters of diesel from PE to Kroonstad. The trolley's dashboard started to smoulder 200 Km from PE. A short circuit in the wires, several Kilometers later the door handle rattled off! So much for AA / BEE workmanship!!!!
Whites all signals showing green aspects, 13h30, call to TCO, he stated "Manne niks nie" Chaps nothing. Signals set up for a train sometime today. Also mentioned recently while relieving at Hennenman, he had a goods train at 23h05. No other trains until 06h00 and again nothing the next nights, full 12 hour shift. Says can't believe that this is happening. Petrol tanker train cancelled, the few petrol tankers offered, now coupled to last goods train of the day or night.
Received confirmation of "YQ" that the Blue Train is expected to pass Hennenman between 08h30 and 09h30 on way to Bloemfontein for a Rugby Test. The Phelophepa health train is leaving Kroonstad just after midnight for Bethlehem.
Shosholoza Meyl news, staff state off record, no other trains - except those currently running - for another two weeks.
J & J.
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